Monday, October 11, 2010

The White House's all-American hi-fi

The U.S. may be the world's leading consumer state; we just don't make the very best crop here anymore. It would be the sort of hi-fi the President could, after a hard day's work solving the world's problems, use to kick out the jams. I'd start with an Ayre DX-5universal Blu-ray, SACD, DVD, CD, MP3 player; built in Boulder, Colorado. And when the President wants to spin vinyl, he'd use a VPI Classic phonograph from Cliffwood, New Jersey.

The VPI turntable would be fitted with a Grado Statement 1 phono cartridge; and for late-night listening, the President could don a set of Grado PS1000 headphones. The White House system would feature McIntosh's stellar C-22 preamp and the MC75 power amplifier, which was introduced in 1961.The Klipsch Palladium P-39F Tower as the White House speaker system would be just as special. Years in development, Klipsch's project engineers working in the company's technology center in Indianapolis, Indiana, collaborated on the project with engineers in Hope, Arkansas; Munich, Germany; and Guangzhou and Shenzhen, China.

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